A library of workbooks that serve to aid you in creating a life you LOVE!!! Step into the vibes of that woman you long to be - the woman who knows how to manage her stress, can step out of the stress her environment provides her, and steps into the life that serves her. Step into that life full of energy, excitement, and pure BLISS!!!
Get to the bottom of your self care practice.
Is the self care practice on point? Let's find out. Could it use a tweak? Let's take a look. This workbook helps us to dive in a take an honest look at what our practices look like and where we can add more or scale back. Being honest with yourself instead of going through the motions will be a game changer. Our happy chemicals THRIVE on self care. A snickers bar isn't the only way to get a dopamine fix. We can get all the things in a health, natural way that truly serves us. Let's create this amazing life you LOVE together. This is an easy first step. (E-Book)
Clear the mental clutter and the weight of the world off your shoulders.
Why use this?
This workbook is perfect to sit down with and use after any event that I want to decompress from - maybe it wasn't even outright triggering - but, I can use it to unravel my thoughts after a long day and decompress from an event that happened during it. For my busy moms - it may be your kid lost their $#!* in the middle of the grocery store or threw their dinner all over the floor. My healthcare workers may have gotten home after a messy code or difficult patient. Maybe there was just a lot of traffic!! We do not always see the impact of the events throughout our day, and as I always remind everyone : the "silly" stressful events add up into a big burnout. Let's get ahead of it now. (E-Book)
Get ready to LOVE ourself unconditionally!
This guided self-love journal will allow you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Get ready to deepen your connection to yourself, to experience more compassion towards yourself. As you immerse yourself in these exercises, watch your love for yourself and others grow exponentially. We ALL DESERVE to love ourselves, but do not always know how - so here are PROVEN techniques that will help you get there. (E-Book)